Guest Speaker Session – Ali Rashid

Ali Rashid, the distinguished former MNA of NA Korangi, renowned politician, and accomplished Corporate Lawyer, is set to grace the TRC with his presence. He brings a fresh perspective on the corporate world especially Intellectual Property Rights and has some of the largest multinational companies such P&G and many others as clients. Prepare to be inspired as our Gladiators embark on a journey of knowledge and empowerment. With Ali Rashid’s insights, they will gain invaluable wisdom and learn the intricacies of the corporate landscape. Get ready to unlock your potential and soar to new heights under the guidance of this esteemed leader.

#alirashid #exmna #korangi #politician #corporatelawyer #provincialassembly #TRC #gladiators 
#corporateworld #investments #knowledge #empowerment #inspiration 

E-Sports Tournament 2024

Registrations are now OPEN for The Royal Colosseum’s first ever E-Sports Tournament organised by the TRC E-Sports Society. All A Level and Universities students are

Session on Trading: PSX 2024

Join us for an insightful session at The Royal Colosseum with Sir Murtaza Kamil Shahbazker, a renowned finance professional from BMA Capital. Learn all about

Unleashing the future of fintech with Logiciel!

Logiciel representatives captivated our Computer Science students with an exciting session on the booming fintech industry. They highlighted the vast potential and dynamic opportunities available